Law firm digital marketing

Legal Marketers - Lawyers - Partners - Practice Managers

If you are responsible for your law firm's digital marketing and need to up the ante, then this course is for you. Before you engage a digital marketing agency, learn from an expert in marketing for law firms and supplement your traditional marketing skills by introducing new marketing tactics to shortcut your journey to success!

Having a strong digital foundation is a crucial element to any law firm looking to elevate their brand or to further promote their services. Expand your knowledge and learn the fundamentals, gain insights, hints and tips to successful law firm digital marketing. There is certainly more to online marketing than simply considering search engines and Google Analytics.

Take your digital presence to the next level

We have created a number of modules to help you start your digital journey from branding and law firm websites through to social media and digital marketing tools to help with your law firm’s digital strategy. Having worked within digital marketing for over 20 years and 10 years within the legal sector, Rich will help you with key guidance and avoid costly mistakes across a number of topics. These modules are delivered in a non-technical, user friendly process.

  • Review what is essential when you're looking at rebranding your law firm or creating a new brand

  • Understand how your brand needs to be perceived and how to work with your internal stakeholders

  • Understand how to engage your target audience and provide your clients with a 5 star service for reviews and in turn attract new potential clients

  • Learn about the types of tools free and paid for to further manage your social media presence

  • Explore real marketing tools without costly subscription fees to help you get the job done and further support your law firm's digital marketing strategy

Essential digital marketing modules

  1. 1
    • What makes a brand

  2. 2
    • How to plan your website to meet different goals

  3. 3
    • Manage your presence consciously

  4. 4
    • Free tools to better manage your digital presence

What other professionals said ...

Engaging throughout the session

"Thanks again for your time and excellent seminar yesterday. You covered a lot of quality material and kept me engaged throughout, which is no easy task! I especially appreciated your experience in our sector."

Spot on!

'Highly relevant, full of actionable and practical advice, well delivered. Spot on. "

Meet the expert ...

Law firm marketing specialist, Founder of Staxton Digital

Rich Dibbins

Energetic and enthusiastic about all aspects of digital marketing, Rich delivers his talks in a way the audience understands and can use these practices back at their law marketing fluff here. By challenging his audience with key questions, and not 'death by PowerPoint' you will be able to understand Rich's passion for helping the legal sector and those within it. Over the last 10 years, Rich has presented at many major legal-focused conferences as well as in-house coaching across the UK and Europe. One of Rich's firm beliefs is that all law firms should have the opportunity to market their business regardless of size or budget. Look out for some of the freebies and free tools Rich uses that you too can use.